Alizah Shah is top pakistani actress, model, She first appeared in drama serial Choti Si Zindagi at Hum TV, later she performed in Jo Tu Chahey & Hoor Pari. Her drama list includes Ishq Tamasha, she played a key role of Palwasha and Tamana in Daldal & as Dua in Ehd-e-Wafa. She was also nominated for Best Television Sensation Female award in 7th Hum Awards. Her upcoming drama serial is Mera Dil Mera Dushman. Some other mentions include Jo Tu Chahey, Baandi, Bisaat e Dil, Tum Mujrim Ho, Dil Mom Ka Diya, Tere Naal Luv Hogaya and Choti Si Zindagi.
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Alizeh Shah is Female Actress, Model in Pakistan. Alizeh Shah's age is 19 years and height is 5 feet 4 inches, 1.63 m. Alizeh Shah was born on June 9, 2000 in Karachi, Pakistan. Alizeh Shah has 147270 profile views so far with 31 HD images. Find more about Alizeh Shah in about section.